Detail ej171 in the tcna handbook
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Movement Joint Design Essentials. EJ171-09. 09 Use These Details for Contraction, Control, Expansion, and Isolation Joints (Ref. page 7). O. Guidelines: • Joint width and spacing depends on application – follow TCNA “Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation” Detail “EJ- 171 Expansion Joints” or consult sealantTCNA EJ171 states a product meeting ASTM C920, Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants, must be used to fill movement joints of all types. Such As “George” states in the cartoon, expansion joints must be installed in all tile and stone installations per method EJ171- Movement Joint Guidelines For expansion joint construct, design and placement. Consult TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation detail EJ171 for this vital The TCNA Handbook recommends allowing for expansion and contraction in every tile installation. In small rooms, a gap at the perimeter of the room (often hidden assembly (tile, setting materials and The TCNA Handbook recom- of North America (TCNA) at 12' apart in all directions; and about Assembly Method EJ171.
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